Order of Service
Prelude Instrumental Pianist
Call to Worship Hymn #208 “Away in a Manger”
Welcome Bro. Robbie Weems
Lighting of the Love Candle Itzhak the Shepherd
Hymn #192 “Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”
Prayer Bro. Robbie Weems
Hymn #188 “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear”
Offertory Hymn #215 “We Three Kings of Orient Are”
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Instrumental Pianist
Special Music “O Holy Night” Jeff Chick
Message “Love Came Down” Bro. Robbie Weems Scripture: 1 John 4:7-12
Invitation Hymn #411 “Come Just as You Are”
Closing Prayer
Postlude Pianist
About Our Church
Bro. Robbie Weems, Pastor Jeff Chick, Minister of Music
Kyle Culver, Pianist Wyndy Weems, Outreach Leader
Jessica Malone, Youth Minister Chelsea Latimer, Admin. Assistant
Don Gray 12/16 Carolyn Hassett 12/22
Andrew McDaniel 12/20 Kacy Bonifay 12/22
Announcements & Events
Christmas Caroling- December 17th after Morning Worship.
WMU Bible Study– “Learning to Hear His Voice”- January 7th 5-6PM
WMU Bible Study– The Book of Ephesians (7 Sessions) – Starting January 14th 5-6PM
Mens 8 Week Bible Study– Starting January 7th 5PM