Order of Service
Prelude Instrumental Pianist
Welcome Bro. Robbie Weems
Hymn #288 “One Day”
Prayer Bro. Robbie Weems
Hymn#554 “As the Deer”
Offertory Hymn #285 “I Will Sing of My Redeemer”
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Instrumental Pianist
Special Music “He Lives” Choir
Message “The Cross Roads of Belief” Bro. Robbie Weems Scripture: Mark 9:14-29
Invitation Hymn #455 “In Times Like These”
Closing Prayer
Postlude Pianist
About Our Church
Bro. Robbie Weems, Pastor Jeff Chick, Minister of Music
Kyle Culver, Pianist Wyndy Weems, Outreach Leader
Jessica Malone, Youth Minister Chelsea Latimer, Admin. Assistant
Brooke Beggs 4/14 Larry Nordquist 4/23
Sarah Campbell 4/23 Kathy Beggs 4/26
Announcements & Events
Ladies Luncheon– April 21st after Church Service
Paint Party– April 26th from 6:30-8PM
VBS– June 9th-13th
Men’s Bible Study- Sundays 5PM
Celebrate Recovery- Thursdays 6PM
We’re needing 8×10 or 11×14 photo frames for a fundraiser
Church Directory- We are making a new church directory, if you haven’t had your picture taken you can send one in or let us know so we can arrange to get one taken.
Check out our Little Library!- There are Adult and Children’s books available, located by the parking lot in front of the Fellowship Hall