Message Title: Gods Rest is Gods Best
Message Text: Hebrews 4:1-12
Message Truth: God’s rest is a state, or place, where God rules and manages his creation, free
from the chaos and disorder brought about by sin and rebellion. All who surrender by bringing
their own life under control can enter God’s rest.
1. It’s Possible to Be Saved and NOT Experience Gods Best (vv.1-3)
The Idols that compete for Gods best and rest in your life.
1.Power and control
2. God is the Example of Rest (v.4-10)
▪ Shabat – God Rested. God ceased or abstained from creating.
▪ Jews were ridiculed for being lazy…. last 500 years materialist saw the world as a big
clock – no care for the soul.
3.God’s Rest (Best) is your Choice (v.11)
▪ “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
4. God’s Word Is Power (v.12)
This Word only has power for those who believe it and obey it. Our problem is that we focus
on a proposition and not on a person.
▪ Just trust God and do the next right thing