Message Title: Good is More Powerful Than Evil
Message Text: Romans 12:21
Outline Romans 12
- Surrender to God v.1
- Separation from the world’s values v.2
- Sober self-assessment vv.3-8
- Serving of others in love vv.9-13
- Supernatural response to evil with good” vv.14-21
- God is the creator of everything, and everything that exists is good.
- Evil is the absence of good, or that which goes against God.
- Freewill makes evil possible but we make it actual.
1.Natural Evil – Suffering caused by nature, such as earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, and other natural disasters.
2.Moral Evil –Evil that humans intentionally choose, such as murder, theft, and cruelty.
3.Personal Evil – sinful behavior that come from our free will choices.
- Matthew 16:23
- Luke 11:13
- Romans 12:21
How do we respond?
- Natural Evil – Bring Healing
- Moral Evil -Speak Truth
- Personal Evil – Name It, Stalk It, Kill It
Jesus overcame evil with good by sacrificing himself on the cross, offering forgiveness and redemption to humanity despite the evil acts committed against him, demonstrating love and compassion even to his persecutors, essentially conquering sin and death through his death and resurrection, which is considered the ultimate act of good in the face of evil.