Order of Service
Prelude Instrumental Pianist
Call to Worship Hymn #339 “Standing on the Promises”
Welcome Bro. Robbie Weems
Hymn #234 “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross”
Reading of Scripture
Hymn #81 “He Leadeth Me”
Offertory Hymn #535 “I am Thine Oh Lord”
Offertory Prayer
Offertory Instrumental Pianist
Special Music “People Need the Lord” Scott Finley
Message “Give God What He Wants the Most” Bro. Robbie Weems Scripture: Romans 12:1
Invitation Hymn #433 “I Surrender All”
Closing Prayer
Postlude Pianist
About Our Church
Bro. Robbie Weems, Pastor Scott Finley, Minister of Music
Kyle Culver, Pianist Wyndy Weems, Outreach Leader
Jessica Malone, Youth Minister Chelsea Latimer, Admin. Assistant
Ronnie Fleming 1/ 1 Hadley Riddle 1/6
Lee Carden 1/2 Briggs Lee 1/9
Will Carden 1/4
Announcements & Events
We will have a short business meeting after Morning Worship Service to vote on the church budget for 2025
Bridal Shower for Jessica Malone- January 11th at 2PM here at FBCV
Sensory bags for ALL ages will be on table by the stage for Church Services starting Sunday, January 5. Kid-size noise cancelling head phones will be available as well.
*Please return all “dirty” bags & headsets to the basket under the table in to be cleaned.*
Check out our Little Library!- There are Adult and Children’s books available, located by the parking lot in front of the Fellowship Hall.

This weeks Reading;
Monday- Ecclesiastes 1:1-11
Tuesday – Ecclesiastes 1:12-18
Wednesday – Ecclesiastes 2:1-11
Thursday – Ecclesiastes 2:12-16
Friday – Ecclesiastes 2:17-26
Saturday- catch up day
Sunday- catch up day