Principle #1 – God is always at work around you.
Message Title: The Choice: A God Centered Life or a Self Centered Life
Message Truth: God is ready to assume full responsibility for the life wholly yielded to Him. – Andrew Murray
Message Text: Psalm 81:10-12, Deuteronomy 30:11-20
- What had God done for Israel? _____________________________________________________________
- What did God promise his people? __________________________________________________________
- How did the people respond? ______________________________________________________________
- What did God do? _______________________________________________________________________
The Power of Choices (Deuteronomy 30:11-20)
1.A moment is small enough to ignore but big enough to change your life. Life is a sum total of what you do with the moments given you.
2.One of the most spiritual activities you will do today is make choices. Other spiritual disciplines like, Prayer, worship, Bible meditation prepare us to make choices (live).
3.Our choices either move us toward God and all the pleasures that come in Him or steer us away from Him to a life of shame and fear.
4.Choices unlock divine moments.
5.The good news is that when you choose life, when you choose to move with God, nothing can stop you from fulfilling God’s purpose in your life.
Two Questions:
The question is not, how can I use God to live my life I want to live?
The question should be, how is the life I am living getting me closer to God?