Message Title: The Privilege of Prayer
Message Truth: The big question in the ancient days was not, “does God exist”? The big question was, “is God knowable”? Because a pillar of cloud does not provoke doubt, but neither does it provide intimacy.” (Praying Like Onks, Living Like Fools)
Message Text: Matthew 6:9
Our Father – God is Father positionally but wants to be a Father relationally.
Who is in Heaven
- Humans are limited on earth but not God the Father.
- Transcendent from another realm.
“Hallowed” (Honored) Holy is your name
- To be treated as one of a kind – transcendent – category mistake.
- We are more like Satan than Jesus…created, pride, sinned, Sacred and unique
- Elohim – “In the beginning God” Genesis 1:1 This is God’s power creator name.
2. Jehovah– relational name. You want to see more (Elohim) power get closer to daddy (father)
God said to Moses, “I am who I am.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘I am has sent me to you.’” God also said to Moses“Exodus 3:14
3. Adonia- Lord -Master, boss. The one that can tell you what to do- He’s in charge of you.
If you want to experience the power of God…then you must be in relationship with God…to be in relationship with God you must be under God’s authority.