Message Title: Truth and Prayer
Message Truth: The battle to pray is not mainly against prayerlessness but a battle against discouragement, cynicism, and unbelief.
Message Text: Matthew 6:5-13
Our Culture and Prayer
1.Discouragement – I have been let down before.
2.Cynicism – Whatever is going to happen is just going to happen.
3.Unbelief – I can’t see God.
Four Starting Points To Prayer:
1.Pray Regularly –“When you pray” v.5
2.Pray Sincerely “not like hypocrites” v.5
3.Pray Privately – Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. v.6
- True faith is shown when you are alone.
- God is spirit so you must connect spiritually – humility. Do you want it so bad you are willing to move away from all distractions.
4.Pray Thoughtfully- “for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.v.8
- The more you know about somebody, the more you can discuss.
- He already knows what you need – like any good daddy, He knows you are coming for something (Matthew 7:7-8)
- Asking- implies humility.
- Seeking- demands action.
- Knocking – requires repetition.